MIKEKEE left the Singapore Navy in 2000 after having completed 20 years of service.He had served various distinguished appointments in the Singapore Navy such as Captainof 3 Republic of Singapore Warships.
MikeKee was appointed as International Maritime Organization (IMO) consultant from2003 to 2008 and performed many IMO seminars andworkshops in countries like Jakarta, Surabaya, Romania, Pakistan, Brunei, SirLanka, Cambodia and South Korea. He joined the International Labour Organization(ILO) MLC Working Committee for the design, development and conduct of theTraining of Trainers and Maritime Inspectors on the application of MLC at the InternationalTraining Centre of ILO, Turin.
Academically,he graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with Distinctionfrom RMIT, Australia and obtained his Master of Education from Monash University,Australia. CaptTan Chin Han was the Master of LNG vessel with MSIC. He has been in the maritime education for 20years specializing in simulator-based training. Tan Chin Han是马来西亚航运集团液化天然气船的船长,20余年海事培训经验,讲授模拟器相关课程 Capt Francis Wee was the Deputy Training Director of MPA Singapore. He has been actively involved in the entirerange of maritime training for the past 20 years. Francis Wee船长是新加坡海事局培训副总监,20余年海事培训经验 Capt John Liew was the Project Manager of SNIMI for past 5 years responsible for DDBcadets training and counselling. He wasalso involved in the conduct of non-simulator training courses such asleadership and management, METP and SQRT. 刘清水船长曾担任5年中新国际项目经理,负责订单班相关事宜,主要讲授领导力,实习生增强培训及海佳普通船员培训课程 Capt Sanjeev Soni has more than 30 years of combined experience in Shipping andMaritime Education and Training. Hespecializing in Command Assessment Programme and simulator-based training. Sanjeev Soni船长,30余年航海及海事培训经验,擅长任务评估项目及模拟器培训 Capt Ozgur was the Singhai Training Manager specializing in METP training. 阳旭船长,森海培训经理,主要讲授实习生增强培训等课程 TanKwang Keng was the ex-Navy Captain and Singapore Workforce Development Agencyapproved trainer. He has been actively involvedin the conduct ofCadetPlus programme, maritime security, maritime resource management andleadership training. Tan Kwang Keng,前新加坡海军舰长,新加坡劳动力发展局指定培训师,擅长实习生增值培训,海上安全,海事资源管理级领导力等课程 C/EKwok Fook Sing has been in the maritime training since 2002. He is specializing in engine cadets, engineroom resource and team management training. Kwok Fook Sing老轨,2002年开始海事培训,擅长机舱实习生培训,机舱团队及资源管理等课程 |